Fauxgrass : Music at St. Ambrose Cellars

Fauxgrass : Music at St. Ambrose Cellars

With The Crush just a little over a week away, we thought it would be appropriate to take a closer look at the three bands that’ll be joining us on this night of celebration. First up, we’re going to learn a bit more about Fauxgrass. If you don’t know them, you soon will!

Their bio, from the official Fauxgrass site:

The Fauxgrass approach to music, original and traditional, has quickly landed them a place in the progressive bluegrass community since their 2011 inception. With a fresh, playful, and heart-felt approach to structure Fauxgrass performances flow between genres with unique instrumental communication. The current members consist of Adam Balcer (guitar, vocals), Tim McKay (bass, vocals), Joey Schultz (banjo, vocals) and Jason Wheeler (mandolin, vocals). They have toured extensively through the mid-west, Colorado, and northeast coast, as well as establishing themselves as a regular presence in the Michigan music scene. They are continuing to build momentum as their unique songwriting and fun performances find enthusiastic reception around the region. Their creative approach to a familiar musical style is a breath of fresh air, and something worth experiencing for the acoustic music lover.

If you haven’t had the pleasure of attending a Fauxgrass show, you’re in for a treat.

You can watch a full concert here:


Or you can catch some shorter clips on their YouTube channel, including the awesome video for their latest track (Riot in the Ranger) on their official YouTube channel.

If you’ve got a favorite Fauxgrass song, please feel free to leave a link the comments below. We can’t wait to see these guys at the Barn!

Look for profiles on K Jones and The Benzie Playboys (as if you aren’t familiar with them …) and The Go Rounds in the coming days!